Sunday, June 19, 2011

Changing BSNL router configurations (Passwords / DNS etc)

If you are using BSNL as your ISP, you can configure and change the settings of your router by a web inteface.

In your web browser(firefox, google chrome etc), type in the address bar . It asks for username and password. Default username and password provided by BSNL is "admin" and 'admin' respectively. After your first login, change the password.

Once you login, you have four menu items.
  1. Device Info:
  2. Here, you get all the informations about your network, WAN , LAN , IP addresses, DNS address etc.
  3.  Advanced setup
  4. Here, you can change the settings of LAN , WAN , etc
  5. Diagonostics
  6. Management
  7. Here you have system logs, back up features , internet time synch and changing access passwords of the router etc. 

How to change BSNL router password?

 IMPORTANT: Change your router password as soon as you login for the first time itself.Otherwise, attackers can easily access your networks. For eg: someone else can change your WiFi settings so that it can be accessed by public.

For changing , first of all go to in your web browser(like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome etc) and give default username and password both as "admin". Go to "Management"->"Access control"->"passwords". Select user as "admin" and type your old and new password and then "save&reboot". Done!

How to change DNS server addresses of your router ?

Login to . Then go to "Advanced setup" ->"DNS"->"DNS Server". If you want to add DNS server other than that used by BSNL, untick " Enable Automatic Assigned DNS" and add your primary and secondary DNS server address. You can use OpenDNS server addresses ie and


  1. awesome post ..thanx

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. i forgot the changed username and password of my bsnl modem...can you help me to unlock good thing is that i can access internet with that modem...but i need to unlock the router username and password

  4. thank you very much.I was searching for this post for years.
