To Enable Developer Options:
- Go to "Settings"
hostname Router1 ip domain name ds.myorganization.inChange hostname and '' domain name to your organization domain name. Now generate the RSA keys for SSH
crypto key generate rsaThis will ask the number of bits required for modulus function. Default is 512 bits but if we want to enable SSH version 2, bits should be more than 768. So, better keep 1024 bits.
$IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.confNow make a new file (say cisco.conf) in /etc/rsyslog.d directory.
local7.* /var/log/cisco/cisco.logThis means that all syslog messages with facility (or tag) as local7 (Local7 is the default tag on all syslog messages from cisco devices) should be logged to cisco.log file at /var/log/cisco directory. So create a folder named cisco at /var/log and a blank document cisco.log inside that folder.
sudo service rsyslog restart
In the Cisco router/switch whose logs are to be logged in the syslog server, configure the following :
logging Ubuntu_Server_IPFor example,
logging all the logs from Cisco device will be logged to Syslog server in the Ubuntu machine. You can see the logs at System Log viewer by opening /var/log/cisco/cisco.log
privilege exec all level 10 show running-config alias exec shrun show running-config view full username hdesk privilege 10 secret hdesk@1234Explanation: